The Zonta Club of the Conejo Valley Area, founded in 1972, is the local service club of Zonta International*. We encompass all of Ventura County and the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles County. Our Zonta members volunteer their time, talents, and money to local and international service programs, as well as scholarship and other programs aimed at furthering women’s education, leadership and youth development, and eliminating violence against women and girls. Our members seek new opportunities for service and friendship … and we have lots of fun!
The ZCV club welcomes new members and would love to hear your ideas about how we can be a strong voice in the community. The Club meets for dinner and program on the third Tuesday of each month. At our meetings, we conduct club business and enjoy presentations that are insightful, informative, and entertaining. In addition to monthly meetings, members take part in Club-initiated service projects as well as volunteer programs already established in the community. Locally, our club is active in education, healthcare and advocacy programs including:
- Westminster Free Clinic – a free weekly medical clinic and high school student training program. Our club provides support through monetary donations and providing dinner for the 60+ volunteers once a month. More information
- Z-TAP – founded by the ZCV club, this unique and award-winning education/certification program trains individuals to recognize the signs of abuse and effectively address them. The club provides annual financial support for the program and recognition of its graduates. More information
- Special Kids Day – also founded by the ZCV club, Special Kids Day provides grade-school children with special needs the opportunity to experience the Conejo Valley Days fair in a fun and stress-free environment geared just toward them. The ZCV club coordinates all aspects of their special day including: carnival rides and games, transportation to/from school, lunch, give-a-way item, 1:1 volunteers, and special exhibits. More information
- Literacy programs – each year the club provides financial support for elementary school literacy programs for struggling young readers.
- Scholarships – the club typically awards between $6,000 and $8,000 a year in scholarships to deserving young women to further their education. More information
- Other Community Needs – the club supports other needs of the community that further the Zonta mission. Past support has included: a day-long conference promoting education, careers and job-seeking skills for middle and high school Girl Scouts; purchasing equipment for a special-needs children’s summer camp; purchasing items for a homeless veteran transitional home and a special-needs adult home, and silent auction basket donations to support a various causes. More information
We know that when people all speak together, our voices are even stronger. Join us in our collaborative community and global efforts.
*Founded in 1919, Zonta International is a global service organization of business professionals working together, across political and social boundaries, to advance the status of women worldwide.
Current Zonta CV Club positions (2020-21)
- President – Karen Fraser
- Past-President – Bonnie Hames
- Secretary – Tricia Thomas-Scribner
- Treasurer – Bonnie Hames (club), Tricia Thomas-Scribner (foundation)
- Membership – Mary Lou Miller & Ginny Baillie
- Scholarship – Denise Aiani
- Advocacy – Karen Fraser
- Social – Geri Goodman & Bonnie Hames
- Westminster Clinic – Mary Lou Miller
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